"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Back in Town

Hello! Well, two weeks ago yesterday movers came and packed up the house, loaded it to a truck and we headed out on a road trip that included a couple of days in New Orleans and a week at Disney World.

Today we arrived in our new hometown of Jacksonville, North Carolina and should get the keys to our new home in about ten days. It's been a great vacation spending time with my husband and children relaxing, sight seeing while also including yummy food, some lessons regarding my body's reaction to old eating habits and even a little exercise.

I'm off to get ready for bed now, but I just had to stop in to say hi. Honestly, I've greatly enjoyed this break from real life, but I'm getting ready to get back to normal routines...including my new normal eating habits.

Little by little I'll get back into the swing of things health wise and while I'm on my way there I'll pop on here to tell you some of the things I learned while vacationing.

Until next time... :)


  1. YAY!!! I missed your posts!! Glad that you are getting settled back in. I browsed some of your older posts! You look amazing!!!

  2. Good to have you back. Can't wait to read about what you have learned :)
