"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Monday, September 17, 2012

Motivational Monday - Setting an Example

Last night a conversation with a friend who would like to start reading my blog got me thinking about being an example.  As I readied myself for bed I remembered another time in my life when I decided I needed to be a good example. 

My twin girls were around two years old and I was teaching them how to make their little toddler beds every morning.  We started with the basics of just straightening the blanket and making sure the pillow was in the correct spot at the head of the bed and went from there.  It was simple, but I began to work with them to make it a daily habit.   

I remember thinking that if I was going to teach them to make their beds I better make sure I was doing my own every morning.  I usually did, but there was something about knowing they would see my room and I wanted them to see that Mommy makes her bed every day just like they were being taught to do.  I didn't make a big deal out of it.  I just did it.  

In the same way, hearing a few words like "You're inspiring!" "I want to read your blog!" and "I need some motivation." made me think about how the healthiness journey side of  my life is becoming an example.  It's a bit nerve wracking, because I'm so far from perfect and I eat junk, and my journey has been so slow, etc., but the truth is I have lost 60 pounds and I'm still losing.  And knowing someone is watching me and looking to me for inspiration is a bit motivating.  

It makes me want to do better, to keep pressing on towards my goals and know that as I stick to my new ending I may help someone else find theirs.  

Oh, and I love this ad I saw on a sidebar this morning... 
   (Can't remember what company it's for, sorry..) 

Amen!  Have a great week!


  1. You are so motivating...you have shown me time and again that perseverance is what counts! So many times I just want to quit but then read your blog and you show me it is possible!! THANKS!

  2. Leah, this may sound funny, but you've been on my mind the last few days, and the word I have been thinking about you is that you are "inspiring", not just for your weight loss journey, but in how you love people and serving them, your creative ideas, and mothering.You have always inspired me with your strong relationship with God,and I know that's why you are the inspiring person that you are! You're a great example to many :)

  3. I find reading blogs inspirational and motivating - even though I'm in maintenance. And I love the idea of inspiring our friends and family.
