This morning I was supposed to get up early to do another day of Couch to 5K...but I didn't.
I then proceeded to have the worst guilt trip I've had in a long time with regards to exercise. I pretty much fought with myself, beat myself up and took any joy out of sleeping in a little extra.
Monday morning I got up early to run/walk and felt great. I planned on doing it Mon-Wed-Fri each week, and I wasn't going to blog about it until I had completed all three days this first week.
While I know I need the exercise I had a full day planned today and then, for some reason, I was exhausted this morning. This all sounds like excuses, and maybe they are, but when my day finally got going I came across a blog post wherein a lady said she'd put off her running during the summer and would get back to it when the kids go back to school I felt much better.
That's how I've felt most of the summer.
Except for today. Today I felt awful. I finally let myself sleep in telling myself I'd get a workout in later. Which hasn't happened because I did a major cleaning of my bedroom (namely the dresser that has been covered in clutter since we moved in) and then regular weekly housecleaning.
Now that my day is almost spent I'm only slightly feeling guilty for not getting up and running. I do wish I would've done it, because I feel like I fell through on a commitment I made. However, I also know that I've had a very productive day and I don't regret not having time to get the afternoon workout in. By the way, Wednesdays we have church at night, so soon I'll have to shower and get dinner going.
I know when school starts my workouts will fall back into my daily routine. I'm hoping that after another school years worth of workouts I'll be more motivated next summer to get up and workout in the mornings. That's one of those "I wish I could be more like..." feelings I have that maybe someday I'll actually bring to pass in my life.
In the meantime, I had a good dose of guilt today and then I went on with my day. I won't ignore it, but I won't let it ruin everything else for me.
No guilt! My excuse right now for not jogging outside: mosquitoes. For not jogging at the track: It's boring...Do what you can do, and let go of what you haven't. There is always another chance tomorrow.