"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day One and Motivation

Well, I finished the first day of the Couch to 5K program this morning. Woo Hoo! The gym on base doesn't have an inside track, so I will continue going to the little church gym three days a week so I can stay on track (pun intended..grin.) with my running program.

I'm amazed how when I start out the jogging it seems very tough, but when I'm done it wasn't so bad after all. :) I did 20 minutes on the elliptical after that and then the weight machines. It felt so good to workout again, to sweat and to know that I'm capable of it all. Glory!!

I'm not going to bore you with my daily workouts, but I just had to put out my "official" beginning to the C25K program. Woo Hoo!

Finally, I have to share this little funny I heard at church yesterday:

"Motivation doesn't last - neither does bathing.
That's why we have to recommend it daily."


  1. I love the little funny! Very cute. I applaud you for beginning the C25K program - I can't wait to read the post when you run your first 5K! That will be so great won't it!

  2. That's so great, you must feel so accomplished, great way to start the new year!

  3. I like the quote.

    You did great today. C25K...I saw that somewhere and thought I'd look it up some more, I even put a link to it on my blog but haven't finished reading about it. I don't like running much, but following how you like it just may motivate me to at least read about it some more.

    (word verification was "ailist"...never been on the A-list before) :)

  4. I love that saying!

    Great job on the C25K too!

  5. You Go girlie!!! So excited for you to start something new in your workout routine. You'll just love the way it feels to finish your first race! Can't wait to see you do it!
