"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Friday, April 29, 2011

Weigh-In ... Can I Get A Woot? (50 gone forever...)

Today's Weight: 179 . 0
Loss/Gain: - 2 . 5 lbs.
Total Loss So Far: - 52 . 0

Okay I wasn't going to get too excited about seeing 179 on the scale, but when I was typing the title for this post I couldn't help it!! *giggle*

Funny thing about this week is I have been so busy that I decided to not stress about getting exercise in. It's been a productive week, so it's not time wasted, but I knew that I would have to be careful with my eating if I wanted to see a loss.

So I tried to do better and I've been drinking lots of water. Apparently, it worked. :)


So, it's always a little nerve wracking to get really excited about hitting another decade in weight when you're at the --9 weight, but it is a wonderful thing to see. I was really hoping to get back to my 50 pounds lost and I did.


Have a nice weekend everyone. Here's to trying not to sabotage myself over the weekend. :)