"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Friday, April 8, 2011

Weigh-In ... Visiting Friend

Today's Weight: 183 . 0
Loss/Gain: +/- 0
Total Weight Loss So Far: -48 . 0

I am satisfied with this maintain. One of my best friends from out of town has been visiting all week and I knew if I maintained I would be happy. We've been taking her to some local places to eat and try some things more native to Oklahoma, like amazing bar-b-q, and a wonderful local custard place. Of course, having company also means the schedule is a bit different from normal (read: workouts are different)

However, she is trying to get motivated to lose weight, so we've actually made time for exercise a few times this week. And while we've spent plenty of time sitting and chatting over coffee, we've also stayed really busy with activities and not simply sat around all day.

While I didn't lose weight with her here I did find myself making some decisions with regards to food that made me realize I have changed. I've enjoyed some treats, but I didn't throw the week. My prayer is that she noticed some of those changes and it will show her that she too can lose weight.

Meanwhile, we are just under two months from graduation, so I know that I will be back to getting things in serious weight-loss mode. Remember my original goal was to have lost enough weight to be able to buy a dress for my husband's graduation in the regular sizes section of a store. Well, I've been looking around and there are some really cute dresses out there that I look forward to trying on soon. :)

Thanks for checking in and have a great Friday!!


  1. Great job on the maintain. I always find I tend to overeat with friends in town!

  2. Good for you on maintaining while your friend visited - that can be so hard. I can't believe your husband only has 2 more months - how exciting!

  3. Congrats on your weight loss success to-date! I remember the joy of buying my first celebration outfit for our daughter's graduation and getting it in a normal store - in the 'normal' size section. It was a non-food high that was worth every bite I did not eat to get there.

