"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Friday, February 19, 2016

Freedom in Honesty - Part 1

Hi!  I'm alive....and I'm trying to figure out how to summarize where I'm at.  

First, the Etsy shop is off to a good start.  I've only had a few orders, but they were pleased with their purchase and left nice reviews.  Yay!  I have a product in mind I want to sell, but it requires me learning more hand lettering.  I got a set of brush pens for Christmas and my new Rhodia dot pad will arrive today, so the practicing shall commence.  It may take months before this new idea actually becomes public, but I'm determined to give it a go as it will go right along with the Midoris I'm selling.  Whee!  

This is what happens when you have kids going off to college and you begin to realize your days and duties are drastically changing from what they were for the last 18 years.  It's fun, scary, exciting and sometimes daunting depending on what day or hour it is.  :)

But back to my health...

I've known I've slacked on blogging, but I've also known it's hard to blog when I'm not being the best example of getting back on track with my health since gaining 30+ pounds back.  

But then this past Wednesday happened and then this morning happened and suddenly I feel free and better emotionally than I have in a while.  At the same time, I could've had a good cry today, but that's all part of what was so freeing.

I could cry and accept where I'm at right now AND. BE. OKAY.WITH. IT. 

I allowed myself to be okay with the fact that I'm struggling about some things;  that I haven't got it all figured out by now.  

We've all heard "Honesty is the best policy." and this week I experienced something that proved it absolutely true for me.  

The perfectionist, first-born personality of mine would like to say I've gone along with change and handled it fine, but the fact is I haven't.  And when I was able to be honest about that and accept that it was okay to be un-okay with it all...well, I suddenly found myself okay with where I'm at in my weight as well.  

Imagine that.  Life Okay = Health Okay  [insert rolling eyes] :-)

So, if you want to read more details look up for Part 2 of Freedom in Honesty.  It's personal, but it's real and if nothing else I've always wanted to be real with you.  

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you post Leah! I've been a reader for a long time, but rarely comment. But just wanted to quickly say - YES! It's OK to not be OK all the time. I'm the queen of "It's OK - I'm Fine" when in reality I'm crying inside, or screaming inside. But sometimes I think it's ingrained in us women that we need to do it all...and be OK. So kudos to you and recognizing that you don't have to be OK with everything! Have a great weekend!
