"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday Post #2 - Low on the Priority List

While I'm so glad I went for walks the last two mornings I didn't go this morning. I just didn't feel like it. I might make myself do a workout DVD later today, but I didn't walk. Having not gone for my walk threatened to vex me this morning, but I have to say that I'm leaning closer to the "just-not-feeling-it" side of things, but I'm not in the "I-don't-care" mode.

I think what it boils down to, for me, is that right now my healthiness journey is not high on my priority list. Lately my mind is consumed with putting my house together, decorating ideas (I'm changing things up a little bit) and trying to perfect it all, emptying the house of boxes and packing paper and then still preparing meals, doing laundry, taking care of my household and enjoying lazy summer days with my kids.

I kind of feel bad for it for two reasons. One, I am not getting any closer to my weight loss goal and we're over halfway through the year. And two, because this also means I'm not reading blogs right now either. I only happen to sometimes read one because at one point I signed up for the RSS feed and it comes to my email. Otherwise, I see some posts when I log on to post or to approve the comments, but I don't sit and read them daily.

Okay, there's a third reason that's just recently begun to bug me...I miss how I felt physically when I was jogging and using the elliptical. We only have one car for another couple of months, so that won't change any time soon...going to the gym I mean. I don't like giving up evenings with my family to workout, especially since my husband was gone so many years studying or working part-time in the evenings while he was in school. So, I have to get my exercise in here at home for the time being.

School starts here in just over a month and I'm hoping to have the boxes gone and begin getting back into "it" then. As I said before I won't give up. Eating fast food so much on our trip and having an upset stomach sure told me that I was ready to eat real food again and feel better about myself, but it's just not happening as fast as I thought it would.

I don't feel like quitting, I just feel like I'm kind of doing a little bit to keep from gaining any more weight and I'll get more serious about losing again when other priorities are checked off my To Do list.

Can anybody relate to this? I guess it's a good thing my blog's name is "My New Ending" because as long as I'm alive I'm working on an ending...and it may just take the rest of my life to do. sheesh...

Have a good day everyone and thanks for "listening".


  1. I totally understand how you are feeling. I am in a good place right now, but still have like 10-15 pounds to lose. I got to a place where I was just tired of losing. Tired of always weighing my food and my body. Tired of always having to push SO hard. My struggle now is that I can't seem to get back at it to get off the last few pounds. Thank you for being so open and honest. It makes me feel better. :)

  2. Each day is just one part of the whole of our lives. There are times and seasons. You have the summer with your kids so enjoy that. Enjoy setting up your home! Give yourself a time frame...say one month and then back to the work on you! You've done so well, you don't want to give up now and have to start over from the beginning! I hope you keep blogging though :) I'm a faithful reader!
