"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Friday, July 26, 2013

Weigh-In ... Successful Gain & Trail Run

Today's Weigh:  165.0
Loss/Gain:  +1.0 lb

We were out of town this last week visiting my grandparents, so the fact that I only gained a pound is quite a success for me.  

My grandparents are the only great grandparents my children have living and I enjoy every visit I'm able to have with them while we are living so close to them right now.  Virginia is full of American history and we take advantage of visiting at least one historic location on each visit.  This time we visited the home Patrick Henry retired to.  Being able to walk on the grounds that men and women in history walked on is so amazing to me.  

My grandparents live out in the country and I did make it a point to take my workout clothes to get one of my runs in on our visit.  I can't say I would do this again, but I took advantage of a very nice historical bridge/state park and trail that lead out into the country and ran 7 miles.  My point in going to the bridge and trail was to be off the country roads and away from the cars whizzing past.  

It was a beautiful, overcast day and I enjoyed all of the green trees growing on either side of the trail.  However, I must say that I only barely enjoyed my run, because I had to be alert for many things in the forest that I don't have to in the city -- namely animals and the thought of some rare weirdo who could be in the woods waiting for a lone person to be on the trail.  (Yes, Mom, I did think of that and it's one reason I wouldn't go alone again...lesson learned.)  I only ran into two dogs I remembered from our last visit to the bridge trail and after I finally asserted that I was walking away and told them to "GO HOME!" did they leave me alone.  *sigh*

I'm such a city girl.  :)

So, I enjoyed my vacation, was happy to get some running in and even some walking another day and I'm thrilled that I was able to eat moderately enough to not go up more than a pound on the scale.  I know that pound will come off this week, so all will be well. 

I hope you all had a good week. I'm going to try and catch up on some blogs over the weekend.  I have a post brewing about how I've been feeling so blessed to be living a healthier life and feeling so much better than I did years ago, so check back soon for that.  

Have a good weekend and thanks for stopping by! 

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