"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Thursday, June 24, 2010

What Do You Think?

Last night in church our pastor was preaching on having a vision for whatever God has called you to do with your life. In the course of his sermon he made a comment that struck home with me in so many areas of my life, including my weight loss journey.

He said, "You will never go beyond what you think", and alluded to the scripture in Proverbs "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he..."

As I pondered it again this morning I had to wonder, what do I think?
Do I think I can lose the excess weight?
Do I think I have the strength to get through a stressful time without turning to food?
Do I think I can ever have a normal relationship with food?

These are things I had already been thinking on this week, so when Pastor said that last night I knew that God has been hearing my thoughts and prayers. God knows these are some things I'm not totally convinced of yet in my own mind. Funny, but it's the same feeling of "not totally convinced" that I've been struggling with in other areas as well.

My desire is not to live a life of mediocrity, both as a wife, mother, woman and in my weight loss journey. I won't give up the fight to break the emotional ties to food. I will continue to work towards changing my thinking little by little, because only when I truly believe in my heart I can do this will the real, lifelong changes take place.

This is definitely easier said than done for me, but I know it can happen. :)


  1. This is a really good post! I never thought about that scripture like that...
    Everything really DOES stem from our thought life. For example, I was planning on running this morning, but then I got it into my head that I couldn't/wouldn't be able to get up early to run, so I didn't. Hmmm....

    This might be the missing key that I'm....... missing. :P

  2. As I was reading your post, Philippians 4:8 popped in my mind. "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—THINK ABOUT SUCH THINGS!"(NIV) These things you are thinking about are "excellent". Thank you for putting your thoughts into writing.

  3. that sounds like a great sermon to listen to! I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, and we all have a purpose here on Earth! It is very clear to me that my pupose is to take care of my special needs son. God has shown me that I do have patients that I never knew I had. Also I had to take care of my parents in their last years (mom had Cancer, Dad had stroke during open heart surgery). It took me a while to see that I had to change my lifestyle if I am going to be around for a long time for my kids.
    My husband and I always see our glass as 1/2 full. That and our faith in God have got us through the challenges we have faced.
    I will keep this post in my thoughts today! Love it!

  4. This is a very thoughtful, eye-opening message. There are days where I know I can do anything and days where my confidence struggles.

    I've taken on a new saying of sorts: "as if"
    -Eat this meal as if I was normal.
    -Get up early to exercise as if this was a normal part of my routine.
    -Smile as if I really wanted to.

    I don't think I'm deceiving myself. I think I'm conditioning myself to develop different beliefs and mental attitudes.

  5. I love this message. I truly believe if we could see ourselves (and others) as God sees us the world would be a better place.

    Learning what God expects of me and also knowing what I am capable of with His help has helped me in all aspects of my life. Of course, I am always a work in progress.
