"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Monday, October 29, 2012

A Baking Strategy

Good morning!

The "Motivational Mondays" were fun, but I don't want to make that what I do all the time here.  So on to a regular post.

This past weekend was full of baking.  Our church had a 3-night event and had asked for the ladies to bring baked goods to go with the refreshments.  So, Friday I made brownies.  Saturday I made my grandmother's recipe for a white cake-like cookie.  And yesterday I made pumpkin cookies, with and without chocolate chips.  

My house has smelled good, and I did okay with all that baking happening.  In fact, I figured out what I  told my friend yesterday will be my baking strategy for this holiday season. 

I will bake .... 

And, like yesterday, this much will be given away...

and this much (the large baggie on left) will be kept for the family to enjoy.  

It also works to make a single batch of cookies, instead of doubling and tripling like I used to do for years.  Then I could give some away, but still have plenty for the house.   

Yes, I think I have a plan.  I may still have to deal with the temptation of walking by that one baggie of cookies, but at least it won't be so many that I'll fall into the they'll-never-notice-if-I-eat-one-or-two trap.    

I can also allow myself one cookie and make sure I figure it into my daily calorie allowance; but again there won't be so many hanging around for days to tempt me to eat too many.  

Yes, I think this will work out nicely.  I can scratch my baking itch, but not eat it all too.  All things in moderation. :)

1 comment:

  1. You have a great plan! My problem is not eating while cooking! I will nibble some chocolate chips, lick the spoon, taste the batch. Things like that really add up good thing I don't do much baking or cooking!
