"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sharing is Motivation

Hello!  I am back.  :)  I'd love to say back and better than ever, but weight wise that isn't so just yet.  We enjoyed our extended weekend and have now been having one of the laziest weeks ever.  School starts next Monday, and I think I've fallen prey to milking every minute of sleeping in and laziness I can before the early mornings start.

Don't get me wrong, the funny thing is I love the schedules of school.  I like being up and about early in the morning and love the structure that comes back into our days.  Unfortunately, I'm just not so good at being structured when I have no reason to be, so summer can get pretty lazy at times.  And it can get really lazy when I know it's about to end.  :)

Speaking of reasons to do things...

Yesterday someone called me and asked me about my weight loss journey.  We spoke for quite some time about why I started losing weight, the effect it's had on my roles as wife, mother and woman.  It was a little embarrassing at times to be so openly honest about my story with someone in person (albeit on the phone), but it was also motivating.


the act or an instance of motivating or providing with reason to act in a certain way: 

You see, as I began to share my story I was reminded of why I'm doing what I do.  All the reasons of why I started this journey and why I keep fighting to finish it came back to mind.  As the above dictionary definition states I was provided with a reason to act in a certain way.

I've said this before, but I shared with this person that the reason I will keep fighting to reach my goal weight is I never want to go back to who I was before.  To keep it simple, at my highest weight I felt like I had become a fat lady and it was destined to be.

My family genes lean towards the thicker side of the scale and I had joined the ranks.  I knew I could be content because I was surrounded with family and friends who loved me for who I was.  There were even cute clothes in my size thanks to plus-sized stores.  But I did feel old.  I felt matured beyond my age simply by how heavy I was.

Not anymore.

Instead I have found that I don't have to be the fat lady.  I don't feel old beyond my years anymore, but instead just more age appropriate.  (I'm told 36 is young!! *grin* )  I have the energy to enjoy full days and I've seen that there is hope for my overeating ways.

The change in my exercise habits has also allowed me to join my active husband in being an example to my kids about staying active for your health.  It's opened my eyes to a whole new world of fitness that has shown me I'm stronger than I thought.

So, while we enjoy a few more lazy days before school starts I will keep pressing on towards my healthiness goals, because I am motivated by all the reasons to act in a healthier way.  :)

1 comment:

  1. This is a great motivating post to me Leah and I know your friend that you spoke to had to be motivated as well! And 36 is very young. Very young!!
