"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Not Letting Past Failures Stop You

This morning I came across this post by Diane at Fit to the Finish and thought I'd share it with you: 

Without going into much detail she hits on not letting past diet or weight loss failures stop you from trying once more.  That's right up my alley because I'd never known permanent success with weight loss in the past, so when I knew I needed to stop the gaining once and for all I couldn't bring myself to start another diet.   

Here's my comment on the post:  

Having tried dieting so many times in the past I was scared to go on a diet this last attempt at weight loss.  In fact, I refused to sign up for one; I simply decided to change one bad habit and add in one good habit.  For me, the fear of failure stopped me from going on another diet when I knew I had to stop the weight gain, but it also prompted me to begin making those small lifestyle changes that have lead me to where I am today ... 70 lbs lighter.  

I think when we come to the point where we admit what we've been doing isn't the best for our health and has to change then we can begin any diet or eating plan and see true success. 

1 comment:

  1. Very true...It really is about changing your lifestyle and not "going on a diet" You've done so well, my friend!
