"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Traveling NSV

We've been out of town for the last 24 hours. Now that we're home kids are showering or playing Xbox and I'm checking email and blogs.

As I was checking in on my regular weight loss blogs I follow I realized I have a non-scale victory to report today. So, while everyone else is busy, and the computer is all mine (insert fiendish giggle here), I'm going to share.

Short Story: I did not overeat at any restaurant meals or eat snacks in between meals while lounging at our hotel or driving to and from our destination. I also drank lots of water. I did all of this without really meaning to, as in I didn't stress about it. I simply kept it in the back of my mind and it happened. :)

Long Story: Read on....

First off, we went out to eat after arriving to our destination and I ate what I wanted from Romano's Macaroni Grill (YUM). I didn't pick the healthiest items, but I enjoyed what I ate and didn't overeat. SCORE!

I also skipped the mango and peach flavored iced teas and settled for a unsweetened tea that I sweetened with Sweet 'N Low. I knew this would save on calories and I really didn't need that added sugar. SCORE AGAIN!

When we got back to the room I was satisfied to hang out with the family WITHOUT snacking for the rest of the night. DOUBLE SCORE (as this is the first time I remember ever being in a hotel and not snacking.)

Today we've eaten out for breakfast and lunch/dinner and except for two bites from my husband's Slim Jim I've eaten no snacks. Both meals I ate what I felt like having and stopped when satisfied. SCORE!

We even stopped to put gas and get drinks before heading home and I settled myself with a cup of coffee. I didn't even want a snack of chips or junk. SCORE!

The funny thing about all this is that I didn't even plan to stay focused or on plan when we left. That is to say I didn't stress out about what I would eat. I packed a protein bar and some almonds in case I got stuck being hungry while we were out and about, but I never even touched them. I also did take half of a case of water and managed to drink about 84 ounces of it just today.

Amazingly, none of those choices were hard. Each choice just came to me, like that's what I do now. I guess for all of my negativity and wanting to quit I need to remember days like this and remind myself that those changes are really happening in me, and because they are I know I can reach my goals. :)



  1. I have tried to comment several times and for some reason it hasn't taken. I am trying again just to see if it works on this computer.

  2. Traveling NSVs are great because I find traveling and being healthy so hard!

    Here's to a great week!
