"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Monday, June 18, 2012

Walking, Walking and More Walking

Ahh...Home Sweet Home!  

We enjoyed a couple of days visit in the DC area the past few days.

One day we drove over to Baltimore to see my husband who is spending ten days on the USS San Antonio.  The ship is part of the 1812 Sailabration going on right now. 

There was lots of driving, lots of walking and lots of fun!

I did use the cardio equipment at the gym two out of the three nights, but I also ate crap.  There was plenty of fruit involved, but plenty of overeating and greasiness too.  Whew boy!  The scale isn't up much today, which is probably due to all of the exercise I got on our trip (and that my "overeating" now isn't what it used to be, but still...), but I am so ready to get back to some fresher eating.  My body informed me of that yesterday afternoon.  *smirk*

I have to say, while the kids and I were walking from the capitol to the Metro station I shared with them that I don't know if I could've handled all of the walking we'd been doing three years ago.  We put in some miles walking to dinner from our hotel one night, walking to and from Metro stations, walking to lunch around the capitol, etc.  You get the point.

A heavier Leah would've been willing to do all the walking, but I sure would've been hurting later and I would've been huffing and puffing all the time.  Instead we walked briskly everywhere we went, I wasn't huffing one bit and I felt strong and healthy.

This fit and strong feeling was a great addition to the already exciting and fun trip we had.  Thanks be to God for helping me get to where I am today.

Also, I want to give a shout-out to my wonderful kids who kept up with all the walking and didn't complain one bit.  They were such well-behaved troopers and I was proud to be their mom this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on such a fantastic NSV. I am proud of you. Your trip sounds like a lot of fun. Enjoy getting back to normal. :)
