"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Friday, April 16, 2010

Weigh-In ... Getttin With It Update #3

Today's Weight: 202.5
Loss/Gain: -1.0 lb
Total Loss So Far: -28.5

Okay, I'm glad I am down a pound, but I must be honest in that I was expecting a tad more. The past two mornings I was down more than this. Poor me...okay, that's enough! :)

I am very happy to be this close to having lost 30 pounds and I'm SO GLAD I'm far, far away from 209 (where I was stuck for months) and even 205 didn't come on my scales this week. Woo Hoo!

And now for my Gettin' With It update:

  • First off ... I want to see at least 10 pounds lost - Beginning weight is 205.0. Yes! 2.5/10 lost so far. I'm so excited to know that I fully plan on meeting this 10-pound goal!!
  • Take my mutli-vitamin and calcium daily. 75% of the time. I think I forgot a few mornings, but I know I did it most of the days.
  • Drink 64 oz. of water daily. Yes! I'm not sure if the spring weather is making it easier to drink more water, but getting those two 32-ounce cups drank daily has not been a problem at all.
  • One sweet treat a day. 6/7 days. One day I allowed myself more. It was almost like I just got it out of my system - sort of a "free" day of sorts. I didn't overdo it, but I know I had more than one.
  • Eat one fruit or veggie with each meal. Probably 5 out of 7 days. Sundays are the worst and I know two evenings I didn't have a veggie with dinner, BUT I did have three veggies during those daytimes.
  • No snacking if I'm not truly hungry. The snacking was really pretty non-existent this week. If I did snack I was either hungry or had fruit for a snack, so I'm pleased with that.
  • Exercise at least 4 days a week. Only three days this week as my hip was bothering me one day and then I worked today, so I haven't worked out yet.
Overall, I'm pleased with my progress. If I can follow these goals at least 75% of the time, then I am content. Well, actually, I guess if I can follow them and see weight loss I am content.

I know I need to try and meet these goals all seven days, so I will be working on that and hope to reach that by the end of the eight weeks.

Thanks for stopping by to check in on me. If I get too busy to post tomorrow I wish you all a wonderful, relaxing weekend! I appreciate the encouragement and comments that you all leave me!

Until next time....


  1. Down 1lb...WooHoo! and so close to 'one'derland I bet you can taste it?!?!?
    Congratulations on your loss!

  2. Oh I bet you almost can't wait until your next week weigh-in. You really could be in the 100's! Did you ever think you would be actually accomplishing that when you started last year? YAY YOU!

  3. Way to go!!! The weight is just melting off you now :)
