"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Friday, July 31, 2009

New Thoughts

After my gain this week I have to tell you that I know things are changing for the better in me because of how I think. I know I worked out at least 4 times this week. I know where I went wrong in my choices of how much and what foods I ate. Instead of wanting to quit and give up, I'm okay with it. I will keep working on this and THAT is not the way I would've thought before. . ... I would've wanted to give up or just go and pig out and think that it will come off eventually, but I'm not going to try and change things now.

No more. Slowly and surely I'm learning where I need to change things and I'm willing to do that.

My friend, Stephanie, noticed this a few posts back and I just have to share with you all that it is truly a miracle how my thinking is changing. Glory!!!

p.s. Last night I bought Oreos for the kids...and I didn't have even one!!!!! I almost had one, but I was afraid that once I tasted it I would want more. So, instead I sat myself down with a skinny cow ice cream bar. I LOVE OREOS, so this was a big thing for me. :)

1 comment:

  1. WTG on the oreos! Believe me I hear you especially if there is a pan of brownies lying around somewhere!!! Actually, the other day I had to make cookies for Scott's work and didn't even eat one! Wow - so your "no oreos" is a mini victory - celebrate!
