"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Out and About

It seems like forever since I posted, but really it's only been two days. My husband is home this week and next and has been needing the computer for a project he's working on. We've also been doing some fun stuff with the kids, so it's meant little time for me on the computer.

The scale isn't moving down, but it's not going up too much either. I'm maintaining, and honestly I'm okay with that for now. I've been changing little things and after a trip to help my brother next week I know I'll be able to get more on top of the eating.

In the meantime, I have been getting up and walking in the mornings and though the eating hasn't been "stellar" I'm hanging in there. I'm really enjoying this time with my family and just doing my best not to let any of those 31 pounds creep back on this week before TOM. I was hoping to see 195 by July 31st, but these past 10 days have been busy and weird. *sigh* and oh well...

I'll try to catch up on blogs and will check back with everyone tomorrow morning if I have time and hubby is too busy to use the computer. LOL

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your time with your family, that is what is really important. Great for you getting up and walking!
